Båtførerprøve – English

Båtførerprøven – in English

If born after 1st of January 1980, you need to pass a theoretical exam (Båtførereksamen) to use boats more than 8 meters of length, and/or with engine more than 25 hp, in Norwegian waters. This course is aimed at those that want to have this licence, but do not speak Norwegian. You may of course attend the course if you speak Norwegian, and exam is held in both English and Norwegian. The classes will be in English, but there are no official books in English. There is a book available at amazon that covers the topic, you can find it here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/RYA-ICC-Handbook-International-Certificate/dp/1906435162 Attendants will get an English booklet, covering most of the curriculum.

This theoretical license is also the theoretical foundation for the international leisure boat certificate – ICC. If you want to obtain the ICC certificate, you must first pass this exam, then do a practical test. Seileren can arrange the practical test for ICC for those interested.

Sorry, but no English classes scheduled at the moment. Please contact us if you are interested.